12 novembro 2009

O meu dia ficou mais triste...

The xx Lose a Member
Late last month, we reported that the hushed, skeletal buzz band the xx had been forced to cancel a few shows due to exhaustion. The band had played a London show without keyboardist-guitarist Baria Qureshi, the exhausted party in question, but they were all set to resume their busy touring schedule after a few nights off. However, that didn't happen. Last night, the xx played New York's Bowery Ballroom, and Qureshi was again absent. The band's label rep confirmed what had already been widely rumored: Qureshi hasn't returned to the band, and they're now a trio. At the moment, the band is still scheduled to tour heavily between now and March.


Só espero que uma das bandas mais talentosas e surpreendentes bandas dos últimos anos não morra quando ainda é um recém-nascido sobredotado...

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elevet disse...

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